Basil – one of the Organic Herbs and Spices from Crete...

Greek Basil is often referred to as the ‘King of Herbs’ and is an essential addition to the store cupboard of top chefs and real food lovers.

It's a very versatile aromatic herb to add to authentic Greek dishes and flavoursome Mediterranean diet cuisine. Greek Basil is organically cultivated here on the unpolluted, beautiful Greek Island of Crete and is delightfully pure and natural.

Greek Basil is great to use in any recipes containing tomatoes. It is a very versatile herb and can add flavour to many dishes.

Greek Basil is great to use in any recipes containing tomatoes. The traditional Cretan diet uses this flavoursome and versatile herb in many dishes. Greek Basil goes well with vegetables, soups, salads, eggs, seafood, meat, and game.

Hippocrates considered Basil as beneficial to the heart and prescribed it for treatment of constipation and to prevent vomiting. And Pliny suggested vinegar scented with basil would help prevent fainting.

Basil is of considerable religious significance to the Eastern Orthodox Church and is used by the priest to bless people with. Many Greeks bring basil plants as gifts to the church or to have their basil plants blessed by the priest, as a blessing for the health and prosperity of their home.

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