Jobs in Crete

This Jobs in Crete Page is from the Completely Crete Making a Living in Crete section.

EU Flag

Under European Union Regulations there are, in general, no restrictions on employment for EU citizens in Crete (Greece). The consequences of the Brexit on UK citizens is not yet known.

Any EU national can apply for any job in most sectors, whatever their nationality. Such non-Greeks though are excluded from the military and jobs relating to public administration or security, such as the police, for example.

However, unless you speak Greek fluently (or better in some circumstances), your Cretan career aspirations may need to be limited to (mainly seasonal) jobs in the catering, leisure and holiday industries.

As a general EU principle, for people who hold qualifications in a "regulated" profession, such qualifications will be recognised in Greece.

If you have a qualification, and you want to know if it will be recognised in Crete this is your contact point email:

Summer Jobs

For the rest of us, many bars and restaurants in the resorts around Crete will post notices in English seeking staff to work the summer. Casual seasonal jobs such as working in a bar, hotel or restaurant abound during the season. If you are interested in working in Crete then this is probably your best option.

Expect long hours, hot hard work, and poor pay. However, on the upside, you'll most likely make a lot in tips and you are working in Crete – which can't be that bad!

Look out for "Staff Wanted" signs in bars, shops and restaurants, and ask local taverna owners if they know anyone looking for staff. In the busy resorts such as Malia, Stalis, Hersonisoss and Platanias there are hundreds of job opportunities for those prepared to work hard.

Travel Companies

Tour operators seek tour reps around November for the following season and will hold group selection workshops in major cities in the UK.

These resemble a cross between an X Factor audition and a team building exercise. The interviewers are looking for bright, bubbly and customer service aware staff. Often 30 or so hopefuls turn up at a designated city hotel and spend all day trying to impress the interview panel. Great fun for all concerned, particularly if you get a position offered to you.

More ad hoc employment is available from the tour reps once the season is under way, and they need help with airport transfers. Tour operators will have offices in the resorts, but you can go to the airport and ask too.

Estate Agency

Property sales and development is big business in Crete and is getting bigger. Every year we see new real estate offices springing up all over the place. Wanting to sell to ex-pats, these offices are often looking for English speakers to work in the office and act as sales reps.

This is often the way that many ex-pats start their careers in Crete. You can contact them via email with CV and a pitch for yourself - check out our Crete Real Estate Agents to get in touch. It covers the prefectures of Chania, Rethymno, Iraklio and Lasithi.

Just Some of the Reasons We Love Crete

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