Rosemary is a very versatile herb that seems to complement and enhance a wide range of foods, particularly roasted meats. Rosemary is also used widely in marinades and breads, cooked greens and soups.
Ancient civilizations used Rosemary as both a medicine and cooking herb. As a medicine, various preparations and extracts made from rosemary were used to treat all manor of ailments including abdominal pain, mouth ulcers, and sore throats. It was also said to lessen the pains of arthritic joints, to promote healing of wounds and to treat eczema.
Rosemary is called "the herb of remembrance" and students in ancient Greece wore garlands of it around their necks, or braided into their hair to improve their memory during exams. Rosemary tea is said to act as a stimulant for study and concentration.
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